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Friday, December 1, 2017

Council Worksession Agenda includes Garrison Park, Recreation Committee and Downtown Parking

The Crossville City Council will meet for their December monthly work session Tuesday, December 5th at 5:00 PM to discuss items including work currently underway at Garrison Park, the formation of a recreation advisory board, and parking needs in Downtown Crossville.

Two agenda items for Garrison Park will discuss a budget for the cost of the demolition currently underway and to declare leftover items such as metal doors surplus so they can be sold.
Demolition of Garrison Park underway

The budget item indicates that city staff thinks the estimate for the removal of the stadium was too low due to the tipping fees for disposal. The city plans to use the block and brick to fill in where the old Meadow Park Lake water treatment plant was located and tipping fees will be paid for wooden material to be disposed of. Some of the bricks will be preserved to create a wall to post photos of the original park when it hosted the professional baseball team. The estimated cost of demolition listed on the agenda item totals $20,000.

Items to be sold as scrap iron include doors, tin roofing and old fencing. The value is expected to be over $2.500.

Also, the possible formation of a Citizen Advisory Board for Parks and Recreation as recommended by the recreation master plan will be discussed. The agenda item on the formation of such a board says, “There have been three meetings to discuss the formation of the committee and its role. As the discussions have progressed, both the excitement and scope have heightened. This can be attributed to several factors. Two of the driving forces have been the high quality of facilities already established in the City and also the amount of untapped potential there is in the City and surrounding County. This has led the group to an understanding that it needs to reach beyond just the involvement of recreation activities, but the need to encompass support functions including the accommodations and food service community.”

Additional information provided to the council states, “The group sees their role as a promoter of the City and County to support existing opportunities, but also to step out and potentially add new opportunities. They see a need for a central clearinghouse to make sure tournaments and other events do not conflict with those in the City and County, or other activities nearby that could impact the success of our events. They would work with accommodation providers to assure that good deals were offered, rooms filled, and incentives provided to allow us to compete with other communities.

Membership structure of this committee is envisioned as interested community leaders, with support and input from City, County, and State Park staff as needed. The group also feels there needs to be representation from each of the following formal and informal groups: Lake Commission, Trails Community, Shooting Sports Park, Hotel-Motel Industry, Convention and Visitors Bureau, and several members from the community-at-large who can represent interests including, golf, basketball, softball/baseball, soccer, agritourism, flag football, etc.”

After looking at the remainder of the old handle mill property near downtown as possible parking, the city engineering staff has studied some other properties as potential parking locations for downtown. The study looked at the assessed value versus the number of spaces that could be added and the cost per space ranges from a high of almost $5000 per space down to just under $1000 per space. These costs are only estimated not including any site preparation costs or the fair market value of the property but simply a way to compare possible solutions.

Potential locations for downtown Crossville parking

Other items on the work session agenda include discussion of an application for a Community Wildlife Habitat program, change the version of building and energy conservation codes from 2009 to 2012 as required by the state, discussion on the contract for signalization of the intersection at West Avenue and Fourth Street.  

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