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Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Crossville officials are asking residents to return special census form or respond online.

Crossville Aerial (file photo)

If you received a City of Crossville Census letter in the mail and haven't returned it yet, look for a knock on your door in November.

The city must field check residential addresses that do not return the form or submit their information through the online form at this link.  Crossville Census Page

The census will help the city determine the current population within the Crossville city limits and can help the city receive additional funding from state shared taxes. The state distributes certain tax revenues to the municipalities based on the population. In fact, the amount per year per resident is currently about $113 per person per year. The state funding helps to keep Crossville's property taxes down.

State shared taxes currently make up 7 percent of the city's total budget. City officials are expecting a substantial increase in the population since Crossville last census in 2014. Since that time a number of new apartments and residential areas have been built.

The Census information required by the State of Tennessee includes the residential address and the first and last name of each resident. The information provided with the census form will only be used for this census.
If you need additional information, feel free to contact Arnold Harbolt at Crossville City Hall. The number is (931) 484-5113 extension 5140 or email to census@crossvilletn.gov

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