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Thursday, November 9, 2017

Special Crossville Census now moving to door to door phase--Workers will have IDs

The Special Crossville census continues and the man hired to complete the work reported to the Crossville city council during the November work session.

According to Arnold Harbolt, the census is about 50 percent complete as of the end of October and he has hired five people to canvas the areas of the city and residences that have not returned the information needed to confirm the city's population.

Arnold Harbolt shows council members what 
the official ID badge census works will carry looks like.

To date, 5,700 copies of the census form and Mayor's letter have been mailed out and a variety of promotional messages have been put out including water bill inserts and other advertising. Harbolt said some 89 reports were submitted through the city's website.

As the census moves into the second phase of going door to door to the addresses that have not returned a form, the city census canvassers will work from 9 AM to 4 PM on Saturdays and noon to 4 on Sunday. In addition, some workers will work a few days during the week from noon to 4 in addition to the weekends.

All canvassers will have an official badge with the city seal on it as well as a clipboard with a letter from the Mayor and the forms. Forms will already have the address on them and all that is needed is the first and last name of residents.

Harbolt explained that he was trying to get a bilingual worker to help with the Hispanic population that does not speak English.

The main work is in apartment complexes according to Harbolt with some 32 apartment complexes with 10 or more units. The estimate is that the new census will add approximately 700 residents to the city's population and the census should be completed by December 17.   

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