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Sunday, September 16, 2018

Cumberland County School Fourth Graders Touring Historic Downtown Crossville during September

Cumberland County Fourth Graders are learning about the history of Crossville and the historic Downtown area with tours that take place during September on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Please drive carefully when in the downtown areas, especially when you see groups of children.  

The program is sponsored by Downtwon Crossville, Inc. and tours are given by volunteers and kids get to visit the Courthouse, Palace Theatre, Depot, and other buildings.  They also visit the Memorial Park and other areas too. The children get a chance to met both city and county officials during their visit. 

The children in these photos were from Martin Elementary School. 

Kids learn about the Mural on Fifth St. and the
local history it represents.

A volunteer from the local Vietnam War Veterans shared
about the various monuments honoring those who
died in service to their country.

Kids learn about the wars in the Middle East and those from the area
who lost their lives in that endeavor.

It's the Super September BOGO Sale!
Click the link for details!

Making a visit to the Milo Lemmert Courthouse
Annex that was once the main Crossville post office

Kids will be crossing the streets during the tours, 
so please drive safely!

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