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Friday, September 9, 2016

City council candidate forum planed for October 4 at Playhouse

Press Release from the Crossville Cumberland Co. Chamber of Commerce. 

The Crossville-Cumberland County Chamber of Commerce will sponsor a City Council Candidate Forum at the Cumberland County Playhouse-Little Theatre on Tuesday, October 4th from 6:00-8:00 p.m. The Forum is being provided as a public service event and anyone wishing to attend may do so.

This year’s Forum will ask that each candidate give a 2-minute opening statement and 2-minute summary statement. Prepared questions will be provided to the candidates in advance of the event and we will attempt to get as many questions asked as is possible. A timekeeper and moderator will be managing the Forum and the candidates will be limited to just 90 seconds to answer each posed question.

The public is encouraged to submit their questions to Nancy at the Chamber office by email: nwilson@crossville-chamber.com 


  1. How is the Chamber of Commerce qualified to conduct a forum when their own board members/members are running for office?

  2. The Chamber of Commerce has their own agenda that which makes their position bias and unfair to the candidates they don't support or endorse openly or secretly. This is how the establishment government works to rig the system. Can anyone really trust the Crooked Chamber?
