It was not clear what sparked
the concern of Crossville city council member Pamala Harris about the
subject of press releases and a policy about them, but the discussion was put on
the agenda by Ms. Harris.
Interim city manager Steve Hill told
the council he had looked into it and currently the city does not
have a policy on press releases. He added that he thought a good
policy would be to have all press releases go through the marketing
and public relations director and then to the city council.
Harris added that she has seen press
releases from different city areas, something she described as “willy
nilly.” Harris moved that press releases go through marketing and
public relations under the approval of the city manager. Harris'
motion was supported by councilman Danny Wyatt.
It has been mentioned at a previous council meeting that
Ms. Harris and city marketing/PR director Billy Loggins have a personal
Councilman Pete Souza addressed the
issue saying that there had previously been a press release policy that went through
the city manager and he had discussed it with the previous city
attorney Ken Chadwell. “What happened to that policy, I don't have
a clue,” added Souza. Souza also said that he felt the mayor should be
involved in every press release “because he is the spokesperson for
the city.”
Souza said he wanted to make one thing
clear, “Press releases from the city are one thing, the city
council is another things, the city council, and each elected member
and each sovereign member of this county can speak to the press, or
anybody they so desire anytime they want to. But when they speak,
they are speaking for themselves, not the city.
Souza suggested that the city manager
develop a policy and it come back before the council for approval
adding, “There are some details that are being left out here.”
City engineer Tim Begley asked to
address the council and pointed out that the public works department
sometimes has water interruption announcements and public service
announcements that he felt could be described as press releases.
“These items need to be addressed as there is not a lot of time to
go through the manager. Currently the public works secretary sends a
fax to all the radio stations.”
Begley added that when there is work
planned, they also try and get word out to the paper and if they are
going to keep the public informed then the policy needs to include
something for those type of announcements.
Councilwoman Harris then spoke to amend
her motion to have the city manager develop a policy on press
releases and it be brought back to the council for consideration.
The amendment was supported by councilman Jesse Kerley.
Mayor James Mayberry said that he
guessed his announcement that the city received a $500,000 grant had
sparked the discussion. Mayberry said he received a call one evening
from the state informing him of the grant, that it would be posted on
the state's website that evening and the city could announce it the
next day.
Mayberry continued that he had tried to
work with the marketing department in the past adding that things did
not work out in a timely manner adding, “If they worked out at
all.” Mayberry said that was something the policy might need to
The mayor said that as the elected
executive officer of the city there were certain things he had to do
and announced he had received a letter earlier that day from Governor
Bill Haslam inviting him on a trip to Japan.
With that, Mayberry called for a roll
call vote on the motion to have the city manager work on a policy to
bring back to the council. The motion was approved by all five
I feel there is some sort of private personal vendetta at the bottom of all this. Nothing happens in a vacuum in politics. Small minds deal with small problems. Big minds deal with ideas. Someone smarter than me said that at one time. I forget who.